PROXY Protocol Support

When put behind a “proxy” / load balancer, server programs can no longer “see” the original client’s actual IP Address and Port.

This also affects aiosmtpd.

The HAProxy Developers have created a protocol called “PROXY Protocol” designed to solve this issue. You can read the reasoning behind this in their blog.

This initiative has been accepted and supported by many important software and services such as Amazon Web Services, HAProxy, NGINX, stunnel, Varnish, and many others.

aiosmtpd implements the PROXY Protocol as defined in the documentation accompanying HAProxy v2.3.0; both Version 1 and Version 2 are supported.


To activate aiosmtpd’s PROXY Protocol Support, you have to set the proxy_protocol_timeout parameter of the SMTP Class to a positive numeric value (int or float)

The PROXY Protocol documentation suggests that the timeout should not be less than 3.0 seconds.


Once you activate PROXY Protocol support, standard (E)SMTP handshake is no longer available.

Clients trying to connect to aiosmtpd will be REQUIRED to send the PROXY Protocol Header before they can continue with (E)SMTP transaction.

This is as specified in the PROXY Protocol documentation.

handle_PROXY Hook

In addition to activating the PROXY protocol support as described above, you MUST implement the handle_PROXY hook. If the handler object does not implement handle_PROXY, then all connection attempts will be rejected.

The signature of handle_PROXY must be as follows:

handle_PROXY(server, session, envelope, proxy_data)
  • server (aiosmtpd.smtp.SMTP) – The SMTP instance invoking the hook.

  • session (Session) – The Session data so far (see Important note below)

  • envelope (Envelope) – The Envelope data so far (see Important note below)

  • proxy_data (ProxyData) – The result of parsing the PROXY Header


Truthy or Falsey, indicating if the connection may continue or not, respectively


The session.peer attribute will contain the IP:port information of the directly adjacent client. In other word, it will contain the endpoint identifier of the proxying entity.

Endpoint identifier of the “original” client will be recorded only in the proxy_data parameter

The envelope data will usually be empty(ish), because the PROXY handshake will take place before client can send any transaction data.

Parsing the Header

You do not have to concern yourself with parsing the PROXY Protocol header; the aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol module contains the full parsing logic.

All you need to do is to validate the parsed result in the handle_PROXY hook.


class aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol.AF
IP4 = 1
IP6 = 2
UNIX = 3

For Version 1, UNKNOWN is mapped to UNSPEC.

class aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol.PROTO

For Version 1, UNKNOWN is mapped to UNSPEC, and TCP is mapped into STREAM

class aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol.V2_CMD

ProxyData API

class aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol.ProxyData(version=None)

Attributes & Properties
version: int | None

Contains the version of the PROXY Protocol header.

If None, it indicates that parsing has failed and the header is malformed.

command: V2_CMD

Contains the command. Only set if version=2

family: AF

Contains the address family.

Valid values for Version 1 excludes AF.UNIX.

protocol: PROTO

Contains an integer indicating the transport protocol being proxied.

Valid values for Version 1 excludes PROTO.DGRAM.

src_addr: IPv4Address | IPv6Address | AnyStr

Contains the source address (i.e., address of the “original” client).

The type of this attribute depends on the address family.

dst_addr: IPv4Address | IPv6Address | AnyStr

Contains the destination address (i.e., address of the proxying entity to which the “original” client connected).

The type of this attribute depends on the address family.

src_port: int

Contains the source port (i.e., port of the “original” client).

Valid only for address family of AF.INET or AF.INET6

dst_port: int

Contains the destination port (i.e., port of the proxying entity to which the “original” client connected).

Valid only for address family of AF.INET or AF.INET6

rest: ByteString

The contents depend on the version of the PROXY header and (for version 2) the address family.

For PROXY Header version 1, it contains all the bytes following b"UNKNOWN" up until, but not including, the CRLF terminator.

For PROXY Header version 2:

  • For address family UNSPEC, it contains all the bytes following the 16-octet header preamble

  • For address families AF.INET, AF.INET6, and AF.UNIX it contains all the bytes following the address information

tlv: aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol.ProxyTLV

This property contains the result of the TLV Parsing attempt of the rest attribute.

If this property returns None that means either (1) rest is empty, or (2) TLV Parsing is not successful.

valid: bool

This property will indicate if PROXY Header is valid or not.

whole_raw: bytearray

This attribute contains the whole, undecoded and unmodified, PROXY Header. For version 1, it contains everything up to and including the terminating \r\n. For version 2, it contains everything up to and including the last TLV Vector.

If you need to verify the CRC32C TLV Vector (PROXYv2), you should run the CRC32C calculation against the contents of this attribute. For more information, see the next section, Note on CRC32C Calculation.

tlv_start: int

This attribute points to the first TLV Vector if exists.

If you need to verify the CRC32C TLV Vector, you should run the CRC32C calculation against the contents of this attribute.

The value will be None if PROXY version is 1.

with_error(error_msg: str) ProxyData

error_msg (str) – Error message



Sets the instance’s error attribute and returns itself.

same_attribs(_raises=False, **kwargs) bool

_raises (bool) – If True, raise exception if attribute not match/not found, instead of returning a bool. Defaults to False

  • ValueError – if _raises=True and attribute is found but value is wrong

  • KeyError – if _raises=True and attribute is not found

A helper method to quickly verify whether an attribute exists and contain the same value as expected.

Example usage:


In the above example, same_attribs will check that all attributes version, protocol, and unknown_attrib exist, and contains the values 1, b"TCP4", and None, respectively.

Missing attributes and/or differing values will return a False (unless _raises=True)


For other examples, take a look inside the file. That file extensively uses same_attribs.


Allows an instance of ProxyData to be evaluated as boolean. In actuality, it simply returns the valid property.


class aiosmtpd.proxy_protocol.ProxyTLV

This class parses the TLV portion of the PROXY Header and presents the value in an easy-to-use way: A “TLV Vector” whose “Type” is found in PP2_TYPENAME can be accessed through the .<NAME> attribute.

It is a subclass of dict, so all of dict’s methods are available. It is basically a Dict[str, Any] with additional methods and attributes. The list below only describes methods & attributes added to this class.

PP2_TYPENAME: Dict[int, str]

A mapping of numeric Type to a human-friendly Name.

The names are identical to the ones listed in the documentation, but with the PP2_TYPE_/PP2_SUBTYPE_ prefixes removed.


The SSL Name is special. Rather than containing the TLV Subvectors as described in the standard, it is a bool value that indicates whether the PP2_SUBTYPE_SSL

tlv_loc: Dict[str, int]

A mapping to show the start location of certain TLV Vectors.

The keys are the TYPENAME (see PP2_TYPENAME above), and the value is the offset from start of the TLV Vectors.

same_attribs(_raises=False, **kwargs) bool

_raises (bool) – If True, raise exception if attribute not match/not found, instead of returning a bool. Defaults to False

  • ValueError – if _raises=True and attribute is found but value is wrong

  • KeyError – if _raises=True and attribute is not found

A helper method to quickly verify whether an attribute exists and contain the same value as expected.

Example usage:

assert isinstance(proxy_tlv, ProxyTLV)

In the above example, same_attribs will check that the attributes AUTHORITY and SSL exist, and contains the values b"some_authority" and True, respectively.

Missing attributes and/or differing values will return a False (unless _raises=True)


For other examples, take a look inside the file. That file extensively uses same_attribs.

classmethod from_raw(raw) ProxyTLV | None

raw (ByteString) – The raw bytes containing the TLV Vectors


A new instance of ProxyTLV, or None if parsing failed

This triggers the parsing of raw bytes/bytearray into a ProxyTLV instance.

Internally it relies on the parse() classmethod to perform the parsing.

Unlike the default behavior of parse(), from_raw will NOT perform a partial parsing.

classmethod parse(chunk, partial_ok=True) Dict[str, Any]
  • chunk (ByteString) – The bytes to parse into TLV Vectors

  • partial_ok (bool) – If True, return partially-parsed TLV Vectors as is. If False, (re)raise MalformedTLV


A mapping of typenames and values

This performs a recursive parsing of the bytes. If it encounters a TYPE that ProxyTLV doesn’t recognize, the TLV Vector will be assigned a typename of “xNN”

Partial parsing is possible when partial_ok=True; if during the parsing an error happened, parse will abort returning the TLV Vectors it had successfully decoded.

classmethod name_to_num(name) int | None

name (str) – The name to back-map into TYPE numeric


The numeric value associated to the typename, None if no such mapping is found

This is a helper method to perform back-mapping of typenames.

Note on CRC32C Calculation

Neither the ProxyData nor ProxyTLV classes implement PROXYv2 CRC32C validation; the main reason being that Python has no built-in module for calculating CRC32C. To perform CRC32C, third-party modules need to be installed, but we are uncomfortable doing that for the following reasons:

  • There are more than one third-party modules providing CRC32C, e.g., crcmod, crc32c, google-crc32c, etc. Problem is, there is no known clear comparison between them, so we cannot tell easily which one is ‘best’.

  • Some of these third-party modules seem to be no longer being maintained.

  • Most of the available third-party modules are binary distribution. This potentially causes problems with existing binaries/libraries, not to mention possible (albeit unlikely) vector for malware.

  • We really don’t like adding dependencies outside those that are really needed.

In short, we have strong reasons to NOT implement PROXYv2 CRC32C validation, and we have plans to NEVER implement it.

If you absolutely need PROXYv2 CRC32C validation, you should perform it yourself in the handle_PROXY() hook. To assist you, we have provided the whole_raw, tlv_start, and tlv_loc attributes.

You should do the following:

  1. Choose a CRC32C module of your liking, install that, and import it.

  2. Find the “CRC32C” TLV Vector in whole_raw; it would start at byte tlv_start + tlv_loc["CRC32C"]

  3. Zero out the 4-octet Value part of the “CRC32C” TLV Vector

  4. Perform CRC32C calculation over the modified whole_raw

  5. Convert the result to big-endian bytes, and compare with the .CRC32C attribute of the ProxyTLV instance


# The int(3) at end is to skip over the "T" and "L" part
offset = proxy_data.tlv_start + proxy_data.tlv.tlv_loc["CRC32C"] + 3
# Since whole_raw is a bytearray, we can do slice replacement
proxy_data.whole_raw[offset:offset + 4] = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
# Actual syntax will depend on the module you use
calculated: int = crc32c(proxy_data.whole_raw)
# Adjust first part as necessary if calculated is not int
validated = calculated.to_bytes(4, "big") == proxy_data.tlv.CRC32C

Good luck!